Dive in Moreton Island


Written on 7:39 p.m. by My gratitude journal

Mom and Dad with Flipper

Perfect landing

The pelican is a much larger bird than I expected. I said it a couple of times before but I finally took a picture that gives a better idea of what I meant by 'big'. The person is an adult...

A praying manthis...
One of these swam right between my dad and me when we were snorkling but I wasn't fast enough to take a picture...

Lots and lots of small fishies...

This huge fish (Queensland Groper) was approximately 6 feet long and was just resting under one of the wrecks. I had to dive 4 times to get this picture of him... Glad I did!!! But apparently that this fish has been linked to several fatal attacks on humans: I'm not sure I would have a picture to show you now if I had known this fact then!

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